The True Wisdom of the Wise Man

3 min readDec 14, 2020


The wisdom, the wisdom of the body, the mind, or just plain old common sense, is our ability to reason and think with knowledge, insight, experience, perception, and common-sense. Wisdom is usually associated with positive attributes like integrity, receptivity, non-violence, honesty, integrity, and wisdom.

Perhaps it should be noted that wisdom encompasses all human qualities, including emotions and motives. It’s a very special gift, and one which we can all possess, but few are really good at developing in us.

In this article I’m going to tell you how to develop and grow your wisdom, so that you can fully understand yourself and others and achieve whatever you set out to do.

The first thing that needs to happen is that we need to develop wisdom by paying attention to what we know and what we’re saying. That’s basically what poets do.

When poets write about something, they really think about it deeply, and they use all of their knowledge and insight, as well as their emotions, to form an overall understanding of that subject.

Think about it: most of the greatest poets in the world have been regarded as wise beyond their years, because they understood and appreciated everything about everything.

Next, we must develop and grow in wisdom by having a humble attitude towards all things. This starts with having a clear and realistic view of things, and it continues to carry on throughout your life.

You must never ever allow ignorance to stop you from pursuing your goals, whether it’s building a nice home, starting a family, writing a great novel, getting your job back, or whatever. If you do, then you’ve missed the point, because ignorance is not a problem.

You can’t solve anything without knowledge and wisdom. And if you think that you can, then you’ve got more than enough wisdom and knowledge inside of you to build a house.

And finally, we must continue to develop our wisdom and knowledge by not allowing ourselves to be fooled by people who pretend to have wisdom and knowledge. It happens all the time, and it’s a big mistake that many people make because they let themselves fall for impostors.

When you see somebody who claims to have “so much wisdom and knowledge”, don’t ever believe anything that they say until you’ve heard them speak and seen them practice what they’re talking about.

In short, we need to develop humility in order to gain wisdom and knowledge, and we need to continue to develop it throughout our lives. Without humility, we quickly slip away from the road to true enlightenment, because if we don’t humble ourselves, then we’ll never be able to walk the walk and talk the talk.

You see, true enlightenment comes from walking with self-respect, because when you walk with dignity, you’ll always come out better for it. And remember, without self-respect, nothing will get past you, and you’ll be left in the dust, along with all of those other miserable people.

So please, don’t be one of those people who fall for fake enlightenment. Instead, develop humility and virtue, and work towards acquiring the good knowledge and wisdom that you really need.

Remember, it’s all about getting to the bottom of things, not sitting around being impressed with other’s “knowledge”. Stop being impressed with other people’s “wisdom” and start to get on your own two feet.

Start living the life that you were designed to live, and forget about all the foolish knowledge of the wise man.

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Written by JitendraMahato


Hi, I am Jitendra Sahayogee from Nepal. I am writer, editor, blogger, film director. I am founder of some blogs.

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